So you want a lot of followers on your twitter account, don’t you?

Real people or bot followers? This is not the question that I will try to answer in this news. The point is: how to get a reasonable number of followers in a reasonable short amount of time without using a paying service.  Moreover: how you can be sure that these user stick around and that […]

So you want a lot of likes on your Facebook page, don’t you?  it does what it says. For a like, share retweet of some suggested content you can have other doing the same for you. What follows is the promotional banner if you are curious   You can earn points by been social in the way that you prefer, google, youtube, Facebook, stumble upon, pinterest, instagram etc […]

Web Directory

We are please to introduce the web directory; in italian ” Io sono qui ” stand for ” I am here ” and is a directory that focus on italian web sites. It offers featured links and integration with popular social networks. Important links: Io sono qui home page featured link service VIP links    […]

Replacement of the Captcha System

In the past days we had a consistent amount of spam so we decided to replace the previous captcha system. The system has been extensively tested so we are reasonably confident that it works in a sound way. In case you experience some strange behaviour we kindly ask you to let us know. Happy Surfing, […]